Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Going Back to the 18th Century

I'm going through a bit of a 7 Years War thing at the moment. All my figures are Napoleonic but that might change. Some really interesting history 50 years earlier!


  1. I want to know about this thong and its important role in the Seven Years War.

  2. Damn you are a fast commenter Kev! I am pretty sure there was a battalion of thongadiers in French service in the Seychelles around the end of Louis VX's reign.

  3. Damn you are a fast commenter Kev! I am pretty sure there was a battalion of thongadiers in French service in the Seychelles around the end of Louis VX's reign.

  4. I have your blog on my feed, so the moment you update, my feed updates as well, and I'm always on my computer at the office. I actually didn't realize you had updated only 3 minutes before I commented.

    Ah, those thongadiers. I'm sure they added spice to any campaign.
